Treat Yourself Like a Queen
I’m all about activation these days. I’m activating my Queen Mode. I’m coming into my own. I’m feeling good in my own skin (it may have something to do with being properly loved, but may have to do with my own self love journey…you know?)
At any rate, I have found that on my journey to self improvement and self development, I often come back to a recurring theme of wanting to change a lot about myself, including my physical body. Sometimes I go through a cycle of beating myself up about any excess weight, then feeling worse, feeding the depression and anxiety with more food, then going back to berating myself all over again. It’s a vicious cycle.
So, how am I working on breaking the cycle of beating myself up over my weight? I’m making a conscious decision to treat myself like a queen. This is the activation of Queen Mode.
I’ve decided to talk to myself like a queen. Feed myself like a queen. Nourish myself like a queen. Move like a queen. Dress like a queen. Walk like a queen. Act like the queen that I know I am striving to be. When I am feeling low, I decide to look up to my future self and embody this queen in the current moment.
Now, I know it’s hard in the midst of anxiety and depression to just “treat yourself like a queen.” It may even be irritating to simply even hear that suggestion. And I’m not saying not to feel your shadow feelings. You can acknowledge that your anxiety and depression are very real (valuable even!) to you. Totally healthy and normal. But at some point, you will have to move out of that space or at least help yourself inch out to get to feeling better. You will have to treat yourself like a queen (or King, my fellas!)
So, what does this look like?
- Talk to yourself like a queen. How would you speak to a queen? How would you speak to Princess Diana if she were still here? Would you tell her you hate her, because she carried a little weight in her thighs (she didn’t, but you get the point!). If she had a different body type than you, would you berate her? Go straight up to her and say, “Hey, you don’t deserve to be happy today because of your body?” Would you ignore all the wonderful diplomatic things she did for society and dig in on what you perceived to be physical flaws?
Or would you say compassionate things to her? What if she gained or lost weight? Would you let her know she was beautiful no matter what? That her worth wasn’t in her body size or shape? Would you be kind?
Because you are a creation, a masterpiece of the living God, too, like every other creature on earth worthy of kind words and thoughts. You are created from the same atoms and molecules as this breathing, expanding universe. Wow! YOU are true royalty, a distinct, unique, sovereign creation as beautiful as the daffodils that bloom in the springtime. Own it.
- Feed yourself like a queen: Think of this: you are set to choosing and preparing a menu for a high ranking diplomatic official or member of royalty visiting your hometown. Your goal is to keep this person feeling well and in tip top health. Do you feed the queen fast food burgers? Why or why not? Do you prepare her a selection of fresh local fruits and vegetables and local specialities? Why or why not?
You deserve to be fed like a queen. So, the next time you are stuck in that palace I know we all can find ourselves in, teetering between the more nutritious choices and the less nutritious choices, stop for a minute and think if you were a queen, what would your court feed you to keep you healthy and feeling your best? Some days that might really be nachos. True story. But often it will be something that packs a nutritious punch! Own that too!
- Move like a Queen: and I don’t just mean working out. Walk like a queen. Hold your head like a queen. Sit up like the kingdom is yours to inherit. Because it is. This is our domain, made for us to thrive in. Abundance is our birthright. Take up space and feel good doing it.
When you envision your favorite women in history or even in contemporary society, what is it about them that draws you in? How do they carry themselves? What is that “it” factor that you can’t explain about them? Is it confidence? Is it posture? Is it demeanor? You can embody this quality, as well.
Can we make a pact? May we activate our Queen Modes together? Let’s just jump in! Let’s agree to embody the queen status we were born to embody. Let’s be the queens God created us to be, playing small for no one.
How does that sound?
It can be a tricky journey, but so far it’s going swimmingly well! I’d love to hear how it’s going for you!
Until next time,