5 Steps to Create a Vision Board

It’s officially 2024 and it’s time to set annual goals! I’m a big proponent of creating vision boards toward the end of the year or at the onset of the new year. More so than I believe in the magic of manifestation, I believe in setting SMART goals, writing them down, reminding myself of them everyday, and focusing on them throughout the year. 

Studies have shown that writing down goals works. I even had a vision board party this year and when asked about the efficacy of creating these boards, I had to reference the past success I have had with them! 

For example, in 2022, I worked to create a board that helped me imagine my dream year. Realistically, it took two full years to accomplish most goals on the board, but I did just that–from funding a car savings account to having a very specific successful event at work, I was astounded with the results!

So, how did I create a successful vision board? Below are 5 steps to create a vision board!

Step 1:

Get Clear On What You Want

What do you want for the new year? Ask yourself this very honestly, even if you think it’s impossible, silly, embarrassing, or even looked down on. This is your vision. I even pray before I set my goals to align my will with divine will. 

Maybe you want to find love this year or start dating again. Or maybe you want to start a Youtube channel. Or go back to school. You do you! 

Step 2:

Make Sure Your Goals are SMART

Okay, so we know what we want now. So, let’s state these goals SMART style, which is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

Specific: Be as specific as you can. Write as many details about your goals as your imagination and desire can create. Crystal clear visions are best.

Measurable: Goals need to be assessed. How will you measure your progress? Set up benchmarks in advance and make sure to state your goals in ways such that you can measure if you’ve hit it or not (or made progress towards it).

Attainable: Set goals that are realistic, but still dream big. If you have  REALLY big dreams, you may need to set a series of smaller goals to get there. I would not recommend setting yourself up for failure. Set goals that with hard work, you can reach. Also, set goals for actions you are in control of. I want to be a rock star someday, but I can’t control whether I get famous or not. However, I can control whether I write 10 new songs before December 31st.

Relevant: Do your yearly goals align with your values and long term goals? Try to set yearly goals that will help you excel in the long run and keep the big picture of your life and values in mind. 

Time-based: Give your goals a due date! This will increase your motivation and keep you accountable.


Aspiring Youtuber: My goal is to post at least 1 new video in my niche each month to Youtube for 12 months. 

Actions Steps

  • Set up Youtube Account
  • Research topics in my niche and create a list of potential videos
  • Batch create 5 videos by the end of March

Jump back in the dating game: My goal is to go on at least 3 dates by the end of May 2024.

Action Steps

  • Set up online dating profile
  • Spend at least 1 hour on dating app a week
  • Go out of house and attend social/networking events twice a month

Go back to school: My goal is to complete 2 semesters with at least a B average by the end of 2024.

Action steps:

  • Apply to higher education program
  • Start first class
  • Buddy up with a classmate for study group

Step 3:

Gather Supplies

You will need foam board or paper (I recommend 16” x 20”), scissors, glue sticks, markers/pens, pictures and various old magazines.

Step 4

Make Your Vision Board

Cut out words and images that correspond to the goals you made above. I recommend about 4-5 big goals with about 3 actionable steps for each goal (see the examples above). You can arrange this any way you like. Example of my 2024 board below:

Processed with VSCO with al1 preset

Step 5:

Look at your board every day!

That’s it! Not too bad, right? Do you plan on making a vision board this year? Why or why not? Was this post helpful? Sound off below!

Until next time,


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